Last updated: October 23, 2019

RCE Guatemala

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Rce details
Date of RCE acknowledgement:
September, 2009
Description of RCE and Geographic Region:

RCE Guatemala is committed to the reorientation of the national education system, particularly in higher education, in order to incorporate the approach and contents of education for sustainable development in the curriculum. In addition, programmes and projects of innovative teacher training, research and publications favouring the Mayan cultural heritage studies and the local knowledge from indigenous peoples promote citizenship and build national identity. These programs and projects are also associated with actions related to environmental education, comprehensive risk management of disasters and climate change. Within its activities, REC Guatemala also offers spaces to Mayan undergraduate students so that they can be part of these pedagogical processes that can provide their perspective as Maya young, allowing them to strengthen the link between disciplines, cultures and experiences.

Goals and Objectives:


We are a model of alliance of leader institutions in a plural society that collaborates continuously to extend a learning space on education for sustainable development, sharing and implementing strategies and better practices of education, research, training and communications that allows a better quality of life of the Guatemalan society.

Goals and objectives:

  • Incorporating education for sustainable development in the national education system, particularly in the curriculum of the University of San Carlos of Guatemala, as a tool of transformation for the educational system
  • Extend the approach of intercultural education, demonstrating the utility of the dialogue of knowledges
  • Use of indigenous knowledge in the curriculum of the educational system
  • Study of the biocultural diversity as a source of educational resources to promote its conservation and improve the quality of teaching
Organisation Hosting RCE Secretariat:

School of Training Middle School Teachers EFPEM at San Carlos University

Key Partners:

Name of organisation: Community library network
Role: Promote the regular sessions, distribute educational materials and information on education for sustainable development
Contact name: Roberto Orellana
Contact email:

Name of organisation: Asociación Maya Uk’ux B’e
Role: Support the teaching from a perspective of indigenous peoples and the selection of mayan spiritual guides
Contact name: Leopoldo Mendez
Contact email:

Current Activities:
  • International congress on environmental education
  • Refresher course: Mayan cities and biological diversity
  • Educational tours to Quirigua a cultural heritage of mankind
Upcoming Activities:
  • Support to the Ministry of education in the implementation of the approach to education for sustainable development through the training of teachers of primary education
  • Establish an annual course during the holidays for young people on education for sustainable development with the support of the Ministry of education of Guatemala
  • Annual plan of activities for the year 2019

We actively participate in the definition of the area of Education for sustainable development together with the course of biological and cultural diversity so that to be incorporated in the program for teachers of primary education.

This ensures the inclusion of education for sustainable development in the five careers and specialities of primary education teacher at San Carlos University:

  • Intercultural primary education
  • Intercultural bilingual primary education
  • Artistic expressions primary education
  • Physical education and sport primary education
  • Productivity and development primary education
Communication Channels
RCE Website:
Facebook page:
Twitter handle:
YouTube page:
Contact Details
Main RCE Contact:
Eduardo Sacayon
Secondary RCE Contact:
Roberto Orellana
RCE Youth Coordinator(s):
Sandra Xinico Batz
General RCE email:
RCE mailing address for correspondence:

School of Training Middle School Teachers (EFPEM) at San Carlos University
Ciudad Universitaria, zona 12, Edificio EFPEM. Guatemala, Guatemala