Last updated: October 23, 2019

RCE Belarus

Photo Credit: RCE Belarus
Rce details
Date of RCE acknowledgement:
October, 2017
Description of RCE and Geographic Region:

Please click here for information on RCE Belarus in Russian.

RCE Belarus is a network of professionals, institutions and organisations, established with an aim to promote Education for Sustainable Development into all areas of society, as well as to integrate the Belarusian experience of ESD practices into the international RCE network.

The establishment of the RCE Belarus became possible due to the integrating efforts of the Education for Sustainable Development Association and Belarusian State Pedagogical Maxim-Tank-University (BSPU).The RCE Belarus activities are supported by Coordination Center “Education for Sustainable Development” of BSPU.

Geographically, Belarus is a part of the Central and Eastern European region. Economically, it belongs to the western part of Europe’s East and is a part of a Post-Soviet territory. It has its impact on Belarusian culture, history, economics and the population’s mindset.

Photo credit: RCE Belarus

Goals and Objectives:

To foster an inclusive quality national education system focused on the values and goals of the sustainable development (SDGs), that provides possibilities for responsible and engaged citizens to be agents of change in shaping the sustainable future for all generations.

The main goal of the RCE partners network is ensuring the professional and expert support to the promotion of the SDGs and ESD practices in educational, economic, ecological and social areas on the national, regional and local levels of government in Belarus.


  • To bring about interregional and global collaboration with other RCEs, developing joint projects, research activities and mechanisms for sharing and disseminating accumulated knowledge, experiences, expertise and examples of good practices in ESD 
  • To establish the system of integrated support for joint activities of educational agents, stakeholders in sustainable development and to support networking of SD and ESD actors in Belarus
  • To contribute to the wide-spreading of the international, intersectoral and inter-agency cooperation in ESD area on all levels of the continuous education system in Belarus
  • To encourage whole-institutional approaches by establishing ESD school and university plans or embedding ESD in existing educational plans
  • To develop a Master Action Plan to turn Belarus into a sustainable region and produce and make available a National report about achievements of local and regional ESD actors in implementing a UNECE Strategy on ESD for 2015 – 2020 years

Photo credit: RCE Belarus

Organisation Hosting RCE Secretariat:

RCE Belarus is centrally managed and coordinated by the staff of the Coordination Centre “Education for Sustainable Development” based at the Belarusian State Pedagogical Maxim-Tank-University.

Key Partners:

Name of organisation:  Education for Sustainable Development Association (ESD Association)

  • to bring about interregional and global collaboration with other RCEs, developing joint projects, research activities and mechanisms for sharing and disseminating accumulated knowledge, experiences, expertise and examples of good practices in ESD;
  • to establish the system of integrated support for joint activities of educational agents, stakeholders in sustainable development and to support networking of SD and ESD actors in Belarus.

Contact name: Anatol  Murauyeu
Contact email:

Name of organisation: Belarusian State Pedagogical Maxim-Tank-University (BSPU)

  • to contribute to the wide-spreading of the international, intersectoral and inter-agency cooperation in ESD area on all levels of the continuous education system in Belarus;
  • to encourage whole-institutional approaches by establishing ESD school and university plans or embedding ESD in existing educational plans.

Contact name: Alexandra Pozniak
Contact email:

Current Activities:
  • Workshops on actual issues of ESD practices in BSPU, provided by the German experts: Dr. Marco Rieckmann, Prof. of the University of Vechta and Achim Riemann, founder  and trainer of Janun e.V. Hannover
  • Facilitation of the Student Club of the Friends of Sustainable Development at the BSPU

Photo credit: RCE Belarus

Upcoming Activities:
  • Regional seminars and information meetings within the project “Science Shop as a Tool for Integration Educational Practices in the Regional Sustainability Processes”, July 2017-November 2018.
  • The sourcebook developed through contributions of the participants of the Decade “Education for Sustainable Development”, November 2017-March 2017.
  • Decade “Education for Sustainable Development”, September-October 2017. Around 250 participants, including delegation from Lower Saxony, Germany (University of Hildesheim, Janun e.V from Hannover). Three-day long international seminar and workshops on ESD practices in BSPU + more than 30 activities on SDGs from regional RCE participants.
Communication Channels
RCE Website:
Twitter handle:
YouTube page:
Contact Details
Main RCE Contact:
Sofia Savelava
Secondary RCE Contact:
Kate Sposab
RCE Youth Coordinator(s):
Daria Saladounikava
General RCE email:
RCE mailing address for correspondence:

Sovetskaya street 18-3-233
220030 Minsk