Last updated: October 2, 2024

RCE Kitakyushu

Photo Credit:
Rce details
Date of RCE acknowledgement:
January, 2007
Description of RCE and Geographic Region:

RCE Kitakyushu, based in the centre of Kitakyushu city, provides a platform for organisations, students, government offices, private sectors and citizens to participate and learn about ESD. In addition, RCE Kitakyushu plans and hosts events that aim to disseminate information on ESD and the SDGs.

北九州を中心に ESD を推進しています。北九州市中心部に拠点を設けています。この施設は ESD について学び、ネットワークを広げる事が出来るプラットホームです。多くの企業、学生、政府、市民が参加し、ESD について学んでいます。また、ESD・SDGsの周知を図るイベントも企画・開催しています。

Goals and Objectives:

To foster ESD throughout the community to nurture a sustainable society.


Organisation Hosting RCE Secretariat:

Kitakyushu ESD Council

Key Partners:

There are 76 industry, academia and government organisations in the Kitakyushu ESD Council, and we are promoting ESD through cooperation among these actors. Please find the link to the complete list of actors (in Japanese) below:


Current Activities:
  • Human resource development & excavation project
  • Research and international projects
  • ESD PR activities
  • Event planning
  • Promotion project for stakeholders
  • 人材育成・発掘プロジェクト
  • 調査研究・国際プロジェクト
  • ブランディング プロジェクト
  • イベントプロジェクト
  • ステークホルダー活動推進プロジェクト

Photo credit: RCE Kitakyushu

Upcoming Activities:
  • Activities to encourage citizens to think about how they can achieve the SDGs, promoting "ESD practice" for a sustainable society
  • Cooperation with companies, schools, administrative divisions, etc., and activation of activities.
  • Collaboration with domestic and overseas RCEs
  • SDGsを達成するためにどのような事をすべきか考えて行動し、持続可能な社会のために「ESDの実践」を進めていきます。
  • 企業や学校、行政などと連携し、活動を活発化させます。
  • 国内外の RCE と協働します。

Photo credit: RCE Kitakyushu

  • Received an award from the Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications at the ceremony commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Local Autonomy Law enforcement (2017)
  • Recipient of the Japan SDGs Award (2017)
  • Kitakyushu city was selected as the SDGs promotion base in Japan for the "SDGs Future City Municipality SDGs Model Project" (2018)
  • Selected by the OECD as a "model city of the world for the promotion of the SDGs"(2018)
  • 地方自治法施行70周年記念式典で総務大臣賞を受賞 (2017)
  • 日本 SDGs 賞特別賞受賞 (2017)
  • 北九州市は日本の SDGs 推進拠点  "SDGs 未来都市 "「自治体SDGsモデル事業」に選定 (2018)
  • OECDより「SDGs推進に向けた世界のモデル都市」に選定(2018)

Photo credit: RCE Kitakyushu

Communication Channels
RCE Website:
Twitter handle:
YouTube page:
Contact Details
Main RCE Contact:
Kaori Iwatani, Kitakyushu ESD Council
Secondary RCE Contact:

RCE Youth Coordinator(s):
General RCE email:
RCE mailing address for correspondence:

Nakayabuilding B1F Uomachi 3-3-20, Kokurakita, Kitakyushu, 802-0006 Japan