RCE Greater Pwani-2017

1. Project Title: 
Education and Awareness on KAYAs (fortified forests) for Primary Schools in Kilifi County
2. Thematic area/s addressed by the project
Select your options: 
3. Project partner contact information : 
Kilifi County Natural Resources Network (KICORNET)
Lobby for sustainable Natural resources utilization and management
Main Contact: 
Fredrick Mweni
Hamisi Mkuzi
Coastal Forest Conservation Unit (CFCU) - National Museums of Kenya
Alternative project contact: 
Dr. Joyce Jefwa
National Museums of Kenya
Dr. Maarifa Ali Mwakumanya
Pwani University
Mr. Lawrence Chiro
Coastal Forest Conservation Unit (CFCU) - National Museums of Kenya
4. Project type
5. Project description
Provide a short description of the project including strategies, regional challenges, aims and specific project activities.: 

The network in collaboration with its partner KICORNET has been implementing a one-year program within the Kilifi county. The program is aimed at creating awareness to the young generation about the Kayas (fortified and sacred forests) with special preference given to the primary school children. The children are believed to be influential amongst their peers both at school and home and for sustainability of the knowledge acquired. As such, equipping these children with the traditional knowledge about their communities which would enhance preservation of the diversified cultural knowledge richness and conservation of the forest ecosystems within the community both at present and the future. The project mainly involved visits and excursion to the Kayas -school children alongside their teachers were taken to the Kayas where they met the custodians of the fortified and sacred forests who took them round the different areas of the Kayas and the perceived cultural conservation measures of the sacred forest. It also involvedĀ  essays writing and awards for the best essay. This was meantĀ  to foster conservation attitude and skills for the management of the forest ecosystems. However, the RCE greater Pwani has achieved the following; the project has brought on board more stakeholders including the elderly, cultural groups and the youth. The project also ensures preservation of cultural heritages within the local communities right from the children to the elderly.

6. Project status
The project just completed early this month (September). The project team is currently compiling the report for the whole activity and possibly request for more funding to upscale the project to other regions in the Kenyan Coast where fortified forests exist.
8. Tagging
Africa and Middle East