RCE Borderlands Mexico-USA-2018

1. Project Title: 
PUBLISHED 3: Dr. Eva Moya- Addressing Homelessness and Potable Water Scarcity
2. Thematic area/s addressed by the project
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3. Project partner contact information : 
Eva Moya. Associate Dean. College of Health Sciences. University of Texas at El Paso
Dr. Moya is the primary researcher in the Addressing Homelessness Project. She is one of numerous colleagues in the Nanotechnology-enabled Water Treatment Systems Project
Main Contact: 
Eva Moya
Eva Moya
Associate Dean. College of Health Sciences. University of Texas at El Paso
Alternative project contact: 
María Sajquim de Torres, Ph.D.
Director. Living Lab/Centro de Diálogo y Transformación Inc.- El Paso Branch
4. Project type
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5. Project description
Provide a short description of the project including strategies, regional challenges, aims and specific project activities.: 

RCE BMU collaborator Dr. Eva Moya of the University of Texas at El Paso- USA works extensively with her students in the ‘re-dignification' of homeless individuals and families in El Paso, TX USA and their re-insertion into society and gainful employment.

Along with her colleagues, Dr. Moya works in a Nanotechnology-enabled Water Sanitization Project, which guarantees clean potable water for rural communities along the borderlands where water is brought in by cistern trucks.

7. Provide references and reference materials : 
6. Project status
On Going
The 'Homelessness Project' is nearing completion at the time of writing (March 2018).

The Nanotechnology-enabled Water Treatment work is ongoing.
8. Tagging
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