RCE Award Recognition

The RCE Recognition Award was initiated at the 7th Global RCE Conference in 2012. It was created to recognize outstanding projects in education for sustainable development (ESD). Since then 84 projects have been submitted with over 50 of them receiving the Award by the United Nations University – Institute for the Advanced Study for Sustainability (UNU-IAS).

This way a number of outstanding projects have been documented, increasing the visibility of individual RCEs and the important work they do in addressing local sustainability challenges through multi-stakeholder partnerships.

In 2014, we received 31 projects from 27 RCEs. This year’s Award recognizes projects, that have contributed to community engagement, capacity development, bridging of local knowledge with global sustainable development perspectives, youth empowerment and transformative learning processes.

The nominated projects underscore the contribution of RCEs to the goals of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD) and UNESCO’s proposal for a Global Action Programme (GAP).

Session 5-I: 2014 RCE Award Parallel Presentations
Thursday 6 November, 2014 10:00 – 12:00

Group 1: Community Engagement: Mobilising Local Innovations for Sustainable Development

Project Name


Final Assessment

For its contribution to…

1. Integrated Bio-cycle Farming System

RCE Yogyakarta

Honourable Mention


2. Community Empowerment Program in Bone Bolango Regency, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia: concerning to the unique local biodiversity conservation

RCE Yogyakarta

Outstanding Flagship Project

Community engagement and empowerment through student community services linked to ESD

3. Mangrove Planting and Mudcrab Culture in Bool District: Sustainable Development through Community Empowerment

RCE Bohol

Outstanding Flagship Project

Sustainable livelihoods in local communities through active involvement in project implementation and management

4. Promoting ESD through Food, Agriculture and Environment Education in Elementary Schools and Rural Communities in Cambodia

RCE Greater Phnom Penh

Acknowledged Flagship Project

Community engagement through promotion of organic farming in schools and rural villages

5. Okayama ESD Project - Decade in Okayama "ESD Okayama Model" & Release of "New Okayama ESD Project Fundamental Plan"

RCE Okayama

Outstanding Flagship Project

Improving knowledge and understanding about sustainable lifestyles among people living in Okayama

6. SENAI in Paraná Center for Sustainable Solutions: increasing ESD awareness through sustainable construction and technologies

RCE - Curitiba - Parana

Acknowledged Flagship Project

Providing a learning space for communities to experience technological innovations on sustainable construction, energy and environment

Group 2: Capacity Development through Environmental Learning and Action

Project Name


Final Assessment

For its contribution to…

1. E4 Sustainability TeamWorks Team

RCE Greater Portland

Acknowledged Flagship Project

A deeper engagement of Portland community members in service learning and hand-on projects on sustainability

2. The Gulf of Finland Year 2014

RCE Espoo

Acknowledged Flagship Project

Increased citizen awareness and knowledge on sustainability and environmental protection of the Gulf of Finland

3. Kelab Sejahtera (Sejahtera Club)

RCE Penang

Honourable Mention


4. Clean plate movement- a new wave from the local to tourism (a voluntary basis project by RCE Tongyeong Informal Education Committee)

RCE Tongyeong

Outstanding Flagship Project

Sustainable consumption and community engagement through the ‘clean plate movement’

5. Human Values-based Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Education in Kunming City(HVBWSHE)

RCE Kunming

Outstanding Flagship Project

Capacity development for schools and communities on water and sanitation through value-based water and health initiatives


6. FUTURE - 100.000 trees project in Porto Metropolitan Area

RCE Porto Metropolitan Area

Outstanding Flagship Project

Capacity development and community engagement in improving and expanding native urban forests

Group 3: Bridging Local Knowledge and Global Perspectives on Sustainable Development

Project Name


Final Assessment

For its contribution to…

1. Saskatchewan Eco-museums Initiative (SEI)

RCE Saskatchewan

Outstanding Flagship Project

Application of an eco-museums model to enable communities conserve and learn from their natural and cultural heritage

2. Koopstadt - multilateral, coherent and interdisciplinary urban development Bremen, Leipzig, Nuremberg – facing common global tasks and solving challenges together

RCE Nuremberg

Outstanding Flagship Project

Establishing and providing applied urban sustainable development solutions

3. Diploma course on Biodiversity and Intercultural Dialogue of Knowledge Systems

RCE Lima-Callao

Outstanding Flagship Project

An innovative approach to revitalization of traditional cultures and promotion of their co-evolution with modernity

4. Mayan cities, educational wealth

RCE Guatemala

Honourable Mention


5. Science behind Traditional Knowledge for Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Change Adaptation and Food Security

RCE Greater Dhaka

Acknowledged Flagship Project

Highlighting the importance of traditional knowledge on social, economic and environmental sustainability

6. Advancing women’s economic opportunities in Fergana valley handicraft and textile supply chain.

RCE Kyrgyzstan-2014

Outstanding Flagship Project

Improving economic opportunities of rural women through revival of traditional handicrafts knowledge

Group 4: Youth Empowerment, Networking and Collaboration

Project Name


Final Assessment

For its contribution to…

1. Great Northern Youth Voices

RCE North East

Outstanding Flagship Project

Increasing Youth Employability by building their confidence and sustainability skills

2. Youth and Education for Sustainability Camp 2014

RCE Kakamega-Western

Honourable Mention


3. Skill impartment among youth: Saving our future today

RCE Kano

Acknowledged Flagship Project

Equipping marginalised youth with skills and expertise for improving their livelihood

4. Kenyatta University and NEMA Ngong Waste Management Project

RCE Greater Nairobi

Acknowledged Flagship Project

Youth engagement in waste management to improve their economic status

5. Youth in rural areas - Regional Youth-Report for the district of Vechta

RCE Oldenburger Münsterland

Acknowledged Flagship Project

A deeper understanding of challenges facing young people in the Vechta region

6. Development of Sustainable Power and Water Supply utilizing Renewable Energy Resources for Remote and Rural Areas in Indonesia through Student Community Services Program

RCE Yogyakarta

Outstanding Flagship Project

Providing sustainable energy and water supplies to remote areas in Indonesia through student engagement

Group 5: Curriculum-based Transformative Learning and Research processes

Project Name


Final Assessment

For its contribution to…

1. Communities with a Common Cause Action Learning Programme

RCE Scotland

Outstanding Flagship Project

Generation of new knowledge on the role of human values in motivating action to address sustainable development

2. ConSus - Connecting Science-Society Collaborations for Sustainability Innovations

RCE Graz-Styria

Outstanding Flagship Project

Strengthening the connection and collaboration of higher education institutions, research and ESD practice

3. RCE K-12 Education Website

RCE Saskatchewan

Acknowledged Flagship Project

An online platform for ESD projects in K12 education to connect, share ideas, and work together to address local and global sustainability issues

4. Waterschool China

RCE Shangri-la

Acknowledged Flagship Project

Engaging schools and communities to become active participants in sustainable water resource management

5. ESD through Mobile Exhibition on Biodiversity

RCE Lucknow

Honourable Mention


6. ESD + SD Skillsets = Jobs in the New Economy

RCE Grand Rapids

Acknowledged Flagship Project

Developing pedagogy that connects higher education institution students with quality place-based job opportunities

7. Plaster Creek Stewards

RCE Grand Rapids

Outstanding Flagship Project

Linking education and research initiatives with opportunities for residents to take restorative actions