RCE Lima-Callao - 2023

Smart, sustainable and resilient cities. A proposal for Lima. Phase I
Basic Information
Title of project : 
Smart, sustainable and resilient cities. A proposal for Lima. Phase I
Submitting RCE: 
RCE Lima-Callao
Contributing organization(s) : 
Universidad Ricardo Palma
Instituto Peruano del Pensamiento Complejo Edgar Morin -IPCEM
Others ---under formalization
Focal point(s) and affiliation(s)
Gianine Tejada
Organizational Affiliation: 
Universidad Ricardo Palma/ Instituto Peruano del Pensamiento Complejo Edgar Morin -IPCEM
Format of project: 
manuscript, powerpoint
Language of project: 
Date of submission:
Wednesday, March 29, 2023
Additional resources: 
Under request
Geographical & Education Information
Address of focal point institution for project: 
Centro Cultural Ccori Wasi, Av. Arequipa N° 5198, Miraflores, Lima. Universidad Ricardo Palma’s infraestructure is at the project’s request.
Target Audience:
Socioeconomic and environmental characteristics of the area : 
Currently Lima city, with 10 million inhabitants, close to 30% of Peru´s population, is far from being a city where living in it means, on average, to have an acceptable quality of life. According to Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática (INEI, spanish acronym) 89% of Lima’s population feels insecure, 60% condemns public transport, 86% complains about health services, 70% does not have a formal job, 57% are not satisfied with quality of public service (electricity 57%, mobile telephony 65%, drinking water service 55%, internet service 55%, natural gas 71.8%), 70% of them does not feel safe in their home in the event of an earthquake. It is certainly a multidimensional problem. What approaches or solutions are possible to propose centered on human beings (human approach), efficiency (technological approach) and sustainability (environmental approach)?
Description of sustainable development challenge(s) in the area the project addresses: 
Currently, Lima city is far from being a city where living in it means, on average, to have an acceptable quality of life. Lima does not offer the possibility of having efficient operations and services for its inhabitants. It is an insecure, disorderly, chaotic city, with many socio-economic contrasts, environmental and cultural challenges.
One of Lima’s serious challenges is excessive growth, without city planning. Unregulated infrastructure growth in all sectors, indiscriminate overcrowding of buildings in its districts has turned Lima into an unsustainable city, a dangerous trap for daily life and a potential risk management disaster. Works are built which destroy urban landscape and cultural heritage. Demographic aspects are not taken into account, nor is water availability.
There are rules that are not respected in construction, they are especially violated by corruption. Farmland is not respected in Lima’s extension. Lima’s valleys have already been destroyed and Lurin, the last one that remains, is being destroyed. It is necessary to develop a proposal that contributes to improve city governance from an Education for Sustainable Development angle.
August, 2022
In 2050, 70% of population will live in cities; cities will become even more complex, and public agencies will face increasing challenges to provide an efficiently and inclusively services.
“Social reality and, of course, of the cities, as Castoriadis defends, is at the same time a totality that is and is not one. Today, it is crucial to reflect from doubt, from complexity, from questions, and not --as we are used to-- from the claim one is to provide a unique and categorical response to challenges faced by the city and its citizens. It is recognizing the difficulty, it is accepting the complexity, the uncertainty and the need to diversify possibilities and solutions. It is a necessary principle not only at the individual level but also at the collective one” (Morin, Introduction to complex thought, 1981)
For these reasons, it is important to discuss and present a smart city proposal for Lima, which implies a new way of city managing, with advanced knowledge and technologies help. It is necessary to model various scenarios likely to happen, analyze them, and find the best response for situations raised. A smart city solution seeks the effective coordination of all these systems while considering as common criteria sustainable development of the city and its inhabitants’ quality of life. This might only be achieved by joining efforts to optimize use of available resources (water, gas, electricity, land use, etc.) to maximize existing infrastructure efficiency through efficient management systems implementation.
United Nations 2030 Agenda por Sustainable Development highlights among “Development of Sustainable Cities and Communities”, “Quality Education”, and “Innovation and Infrastructure”. This research project is developed based on these objectives.
Develop a smart city proposal for the city of Lima.
Activities and/or practices employed: 
• Coordination, teamwork, capacity building.
• Office work: exhaustive review of the existing literature on the subject.
• Organization and development of conferences.
• Field work: workshops and interviews with experts and public institutions.
• Preparation of scientific articles.
. A smart city proposal for the city of Lima.
. Delimit a place in Lima where conditions might exist to apply a pilot project.
. A publication.
Lessons learned: 
Project is on going
Key messages: 
• In order to understand city of Lima multiple variables, this project researches a proposal from a complexity approach.
• We seek to generate a smart city proposal for Lima that involves city managemeny with advanced knowledge and technologies help, while considering as common criteria Lima sustainable development and its inhabitants’ quality of life.
This project is funded by Universidad Ricardo Palma.


File Name Caption for picture Photo Credit
Image icon Caos en el transporte Lima.jpg (123.3 KB) Caos en el transporte en Lima Diario Oficial El Peruano
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
(https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/sdgs) and other themes of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
SDG 4 - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all 
SDG 9 - Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation, and foster innovation 
SDG 11 - Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable 
Disaster Risk Reduction 
Traditional Knowledge  
ESD for 2030-Priority Action Areas
Priority Action Area 2 - Transforming learning and training environments 
Priority Action Area 5 - Accelerating sustainable solutions at local level 
I acknowledge the above: 