RCE Port Harcourt-2017

1. Project Title: 
2. Thematic area/s addressed by the project
3. Project partner contact information : 
Enactus, University of Port Harcourt
ENACTUS operating within the Triple Helix Plus+ model at RCE-Port Harcourt has successfully executed many sustainable development projects.
Main Contact: 
Dr. (Mrs) C. M. Uche, Higher Education Studies, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria
Dr. (Mrs) C. M. Uche
University of Port Harcourt
Alternative project contact: 
Chinonso Erondu
Enactus and Youth Coordinator of RCE Port Harcourt
4. Project type
5. Project description
Provide a short description of the project including strategies, regional challenges, aims and specific project activities.: 

Triple Helix Model is transforming Conventional Universities to Entrepreneurial Universities. But, Triple Helix Plus+ Model involves Governments (at all tiers), Universities, Industry Partners, Professional Bodies and Community Engagements for Sustainable Development of Africa. Triple Helix Plus+ is an innovative partnership in line with SDG 17 (Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development) and for this project, it was defined as the fourth and fifth spheres that include the professional bodies and community engagement as end users of innovations. The Triple Helix + model was adopted for the project to achieve the reported results that, are contributing to SDGs 1 (End Poverty) and 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth).

6. Project status
On Going
The project, which is handled and driven by RCE Port Harcourt youths is also being coordinated by the RCE Port Harcourt Youth Coordinator. It was on poverty reduction and human capital development adopted an integrated approach, which considered several and yet, interrelated sub-projects. The two components of the project are: economic empowerment (through capacity building and skills transfer) and the wastes-to-wealth sub-project. Details of the two sub-projects are:

Sub-Project 1: Economic Empowerment (capacity building / skills transfer)
➢ Skills for Life - trained 171 youths and women through soap making & craft production (shoes; hand bags)
➢ Green Power Technology - developed 18 hours pilot green noiseless electricity generating system for 4 households
➢ GoTech - trained 22 teenagers on ICT and Android programming
➢ Chokor Oven - constructed smokeless fish drying ovens for 30 women smoked fish sellers in Choba (host community)
➢ Agro-Fertilisers:
- one community impacted (18 more communities targeted)
- 5 tonnes of waste has been recycled (20 tons would be recycled in the next 12 months)
- 33 farmers, currently, use the agro-fertilizer with capacity to neutralize acid soils
- produced and 2 youths undergoing training on producing the agro-fertilizer

Sub-Project 2: Youth Involvement in Economic Empowerment (waste-to-wealth)
➢ Schools Laboratory Chemicals - from scrap coke cans to useful chemicals
- ALUM (dyeing fabrics; manufacture pickles; for canning food; water purification)
➢ Industrial Chemicals - from welders’ wastes (calcium carbide-water reaction residues)
- Calcium chloride
- Calcium sulphate
- Calcium phosphate
- Calcium nitrate
8. Tagging
Africa and Middle East
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