RCE Okayama-2016

1. Project Title: 
Okayama creatures village project
2. Thematic area/s addressed by the project
Select your options: 
3. Project partner contact information : 
Okayama City
Main Contact: 
Shinya Miyazaki(Mr.)
Takumi Makio(Mr.)
Environmental Protection Division, Okayama City
Alternative project contact: 
Motohisa Naitou(Mr.)
ESD Promotion Division, Okayama City
4. Project type
5. Project description
Provide a short description of the project including strategies, regional challenges, aims and specific project activities.: 

 In Okayama city, around 70 percent of the city area is covered with Satoyama and Satochi. There were many wild creatures including rare species before. However, due to the changes of social and economic conditions and decrease of farmers, citizens' awareness of environmental protection and the number of people who concerned with environmental conservation decreased.  

To heighten the awareness of environmental preservation and to expand environmental preservation activities, Okayama city started this project. Okayama city acknowledged areas where people make effort towards preservation of nature as ''creatures village''. The city provided a network from area to area, and also supported civil environmental learning activities and conservation activities.

6. Project status
On Going
This Project started in 1993, at first, only two areas were acknowledged as ''creatures village’’ and the object of this project was limited to fireflies. In 2005, Okayama city was acknowledged as RCE by the United Nations University, and from that time this project was regarded as an ESD activity. In 2008, Okayama city reviewed this project. Now, 14 areas are acknowledged as ''creatures village’’.

In each acknowledged area, awareness of environmental preservation increased. Many environmental learning activities and conservation activities were carried out. Now this project has an aspect of sustainable community development with social and economic perspective.

8. Tagging