RCE Southern Black Forest (Südschwarzwald)-2015

a) Criteria/ indicators used to assess aspects of RCE work/ project: Character count 300 words: 
At the moment, we have access to direct feedback via our workshops, with emails and phone conversations. We and our partners agree that the ideal of sustainability needs to be incorporated in the RCE process and project coordination (continuity, partner involvement and reliable funding opportunities). Our projects are designed to be locally effective with transferable and generalizable findings: both in project design and results. We have discussions about intended learn effects and work on outreach, quality of knowledge, commitment, public image and the importance of feedback. One method to assess the RCE is the involvement in local affairs and news coverage.
b) Successes of the RCE and lessons learned: Character count 300 words: 
One of the most important realisations is that the ideas about projects and sustainable organisational processes are vital. The team of coordinators has been overwhelmed by the benefit of a local focus as our partners and local politics are highly involved and offer more support than expected. We have learned that while ambition and drive are critical motivators, time, patience and effort are needed to set up a solid basis on which the RCE can grow in the future. Furthermore, we experience a need to develop criteria and indicators for current projects and partner involvement.
c) Challenges experiences: Character count 300 words: 
The dependence on funding institutions has been extremely challenging, especially because our work and aims seem to fall in-between current funding schemes. Furthermore, we are facing difficulties with emotionally charged aspects of sustainable development, like renewable energy vs. landscape preservation.