Terms of Use

The RCE Network welcomes and values your contributions to this website. If you would like to send feedback directly, please contact rceservicecentre@unu.edu. To make sure that the information posted on the RCE portal is useful and constructive, we ask everyone who contributes to review and agree to the basic rules set out in this policy.

We encourage you to communicate freely and openly about the themes covered on this website. We ask individuals to share their opinions on these matters through the discussion section of each article or news item.

We hope that the RCE website will become a place where discussion and debate takes place in a genuine and respectful manner, but we do not intend that the result be a uniformity of opinion. The views that are expressed by individual contributors do not represent an official view of the RCE Network, the United Nations University or its Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS).