UNU-IAS Video/Audio Archive

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  Archived Videos/Audio for 2008  / 2009 / 2010 / 2011  / 2012  / 2013  / 2014

Archived Videos/Audio for 2013 

11 February 2014
Atoll Island States and International Law

Common misconceptions about the vulnerability of Atoll Island States to sea level rise: The importance of coral reefs
Miguel Esteban (Project Associate Professor, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo)
[Archived Video-24 minutes]; [Archived Audio-24 minutes]

Sovereignty and climate change displacement in Atoll Island States
Lilian Yamamoto (Research Fellow, Ocean Policy Research Foundation)
[Archived Video-28 minutes]; [Archived Audio-28 minutes]

[Archived Video-41 minutes]; [Archived Audio-41 minutes]