
Video: Inter-university water and sanitation competition helps develop an integrated Water Resources Management proposal

Since June 2014, around 500 youth champions from 75 teams presented action-oriented, practicable and community participative proposals to address water and sanitation problems.

Watch the video on 'Strengthening Water and Sanitation in Urban Settings: Inter-University Competition on Water Resources Management' 


EduCamp ESD Teaching Kits

The EduCamp kits are novel tools to support student-centred teaching methodologies. They assist teachers in implementing ESD in their in/outdoor activities. There are five teaching kits in the areas of Our World, Biodiversity, Agriculture, Energy, and Water. All of the materials provided in these four books focus on the implementation of student-centred pedagogical approaches on ESD topics through experiments, class discussions, debates, role plays, games, and other methods.
