
RCE Greater Burlington - 2020


File Name Caption for picture Photo Credit
Image icon BCL at CSC.jpg (834.07 KB) BCL students hosting an event at RCE Americas Meeting in 2019 B. Jenkins
Image icon BCL at Rock Point .jpg (542.99 KB) 24 BCL representatives, 17 Goals M. Camp
Image icon BCL SDGs.jpg (94.77 KB) Making sense of a complex, interdependent global system
Image icon BCL lake research.jpg (148.5 KB) Lake research
Image icon BCL jam session.jpg (1.19 MB) BCL jam session
Date of submission:
Friday, October 30, 2020
Burlington City & Lake Semester: A Place-Based Approach to Education for Sustainability
Target Audience:

RCE Greater Portland - 2020


File Name Caption for picture Photo Credit
Image icon Business as a Force for Good.jpg (145.45 KB) Business as a Force for Good Varies
Image icon A Call for Action.jpg (141.28 KB) A Call for Action Rick Rappaport
Image icon Arts and Activism.jpg (125.63 KB) Arts and Activism Varies
Date of submission:
Thursday, October 29, 2020
Virtual Sustainability Symposium Series

RCE Saskatchewan - 2020


File Name Caption for picture Photo Credit
Image icon Hannin Creek gate.jpg (182.95 KB) Hannin Creek Education & Applied Research Centre entry gate and lab building Sask Polytech
Image icon Hannin Creek bridge.jpg (242.57 KB) Bridge over Hannin Creek, one of the waterways accessed for applied learning Sask Polytech
Image icon Hannin Creek students.jpg (422.38 KB) Students from Sask Polytech Natural Resource Technology programs, in the outdoors Sask Polytech
Date of submission:
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
Hannin Creek Education and Applied Research Centre (HCEARC)
Target Audience:
