
New Publication Celebrates Award-Winning RCE Project Contributions to ESD

The Education for Sustainable Development Project at UNU-IAS has today launched a new publication, 'RCE Contributions to a More Sustainable World: Celebrating Five Years of Innovative Projects on Education for Sustainable Development (2015-2019)'. 


2019 RCE Awards for Innovative Projects on Education for Sustainable Development

2019 RCE Awards for Innovative Projects on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)

Now in its 8th year, the RCE Award celebrates projects and programmes on ESD within the Global RCE Network, honouring RCEs who have made outstanding contributions to address local sustainable development challenges in their regions.


RCE Galicia - 2019


File Name Caption for picture Photo Credit
Image icon 2019_livro_a_mina_contamina.jpeg (265.01 KB) "A mina contamina" children's book Montescola
Image icon a_mina_contamina_puppets.jpg (39.41 KB) "A mina contamina" puppet show characters "Pinga" & "Lavandeira" Montescola
Image icon ud6_12-180x300.png (73.06 KB) "A mina contamina" 6-12 year olds curriculum guide Montescola
Image icon ud_mais12-183x300.png (67.04 KB) "A mina contamina" +12 year olds curriculum guide Montescola
Image icon sanfinx.jpg (45.7 KB) Public screening and debate of the San Finx 1960 documentary film Montescola
Image icon aminacontamina.jpg (113.8 KB) Teacher training workshop Montescola
Date of submission:
Saturday, June 1, 2019
"A mina contamina" (The mine pollutes)

Deadline Extended: RCE Youth SDG Challenge 2019

Following a successful pilot last year, the 2019 RCE Youth SDG Challenge ‘Youth for the Goals: Social Inequalities’ is back! Led by the Asia-Pacific Regional Youth Leaders (from RCE Greater Western Sydney and RCE Yogyakarta) via the RCE network, this year's challenge will focus on SDG 1: No Poverty, SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation and SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities and is open to all youth globally.


Five New RCEs Join the Global RCE Network

The Global RCE Service Centre would like to extend a warm welcome to five new RCEs who were acknowledged at the Thirteenth Meeting of the Ubuntu Committee of Peers for the RCEs, held on 6 December, 2018, in Cebu, the Philippines:

  • RCE Sundarbans (Bangladesh)
  • RCE Qingdao (China)
  • RCE Sakon Nakhon (Thailand)
  • RCE North Texas (USA)
  • RCE Gran Caracas (Venezuela)

Please join us in welcoming these new RCEs to the RCE family!

