
2020 RCE Awards for Innovative Projects on Education for Sustainable Development

2020 RCE Awards for Innovative Projects on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)

The RCE Awards celebrate projects and programmes on ESD within the Global RCE Network, honouring RCEs who have made outstanding contributions to address local sustainable development challenges in their regions.


Registrations Open: RCE Global Webinar

(Photo credit: The University of Edinburgh)

In the lead-up to the 12th Global RCE Conference in 2021, the hosts RCE Scotland will be hosting two pre-conference webinars.

The first of these, 'RCE Global Network 2021: Achieving the SDGs: Action through Learning' will be held on 4 February, 2021 from 8:00-10:00am GMT.  


New Booklet Presents RCE Project Trends During the GAP

During the Global Action Programme (GAP) on ESD, from 2015-2019, RCEs conducted close to 480 projects across 46 countries. Following on from the video released earlier this year highlighting the research that was conducted on these projects, a new booklet presents this analysis in full. Covering RCE projects at a global and regional level, the analysis conducted by Dr.


RCE Galicia - 2020




File Name Caption for picture Photo Credit
Image icon caption1.png (833.92 KB) Wagtail flying over the mine RCE Galicia
Image icon caption6.png (1.26 MB) Puppettry show scenery RCE Galicia
Date of submission:
Monday, October 5, 2020
The Droplet and Wagtail Puppet Show (on the impacts of mining)

New Video Highlights Trends of RCE Projects Conducted During the GAP

During the Global Action Programme (GAP) on ESD, from 2015-2019, RCEs conducted close to 480 projects across 46 countries. Research was recently conducted on these projects, both at a global and regional level, analysing the SDGs, themes, institutions, audiences and environments across the projects completed, all tied to SDG 4 (Quality Education).

Take a look at some of the trends here:


2020 RCE Awards for Innovative Projects on Education for Sustainable Development

2020 RCE Awards for Innovative Projects on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)

The RCE Awards celebrate projects and programmes on ESD within the Global RCE Network, honouring RCEs who have made outstanding contributions to address local sustainable development challenges in their regions.

