RCE Lima-Callao-2016

1. Project Title: 
Diploma Course on Biodiversity and Dialog of Knowledge Systems
2. Thematic area/s addressed by the project
3. Project partner contact information : 
Instituto Peruano del Pensamiento Complejo Edgar Morin -IPCEM/ Universidad Ricardo Palma
Project Coordinator
Main Contact: 
Teresa Salinas
Teresa Salinas
Instituto Peruano del Pensamiento Complejo Edgar Morin -IPCEM/ Universidad Ricardo Palma
4. Project type
5. Project description
Provide a short description of the project including strategies, regional challenges, aims and specific project activities.: 

The "Diploma Course on Biodiversity and Dialog of Knowledge Systems" has been developed in conjunction with a group of prominent scholars and experts of the San Martin Region, Notheastern Peru, which are currently part of the Academic Council of this Diploma Course. The program is inserted into the educational and research processes of Instituto Peruano del Pensamiento Complejo Edgar Morin -IPCEM de la Universidad Ricardo Palma -URP, with the objective of elucidating the work of University and Traditional Knowledge.

On the one hand, this practice aims to strengthen knowledge and practices of life of Quechua-Lamas indigenous communities in the San Martin Region and encourage a dialogue of Knowledge Systems. On the other hand, it wants to promote a new approach to Peruvian Higher Education System and a recognition of other Knowledge Systems. This practice led us to question the epistemological and ontological frameworks of education and foster a dynamic, complex and transdisciplinary view of education.

The construction of a local/ global epistemic community to create spaces to link indigenous leaders, technicians, engineers, teachers, ‘warmicunas’ (women farmers, weavers) and various social agents to encourage a dialogue of Knowledge Systems is on going. This practice (Diploma Course 1st edition) won the RCE Recognition Award for Outstanding Flagship Project by the United Nations University in the XI RCE Global Conference held in 2014 in Okayama, Japan.

General Objective

Equip community leaders, teachers, technicians and professionals from public and private institutions, regional governments and local Amazonian Andean countries with an intercultural vision which understands and values the academic and ancestral knowledge related to regeneration and the sustainable use of biodiversity.

Graduate Profile

Upon the completion of the Diploma course the graduate should:

  1. Internalized biodiversity issues at the Regional level (for the specific case of San Martín Region in this version of the program) and in the global context, and become familiar with the different perspectives that exist to address this.
  2. Developed listening skills and understanding and elucidating the views and positions of the various development actors.
  3. Acquired competence for conversation and intercultural exchange.
  4. Developed the capacity to elaborate intercultural approaches (complex) to matters within its region of origin.
  5. Prepared a study applied to their work/job/activity, on the main subjects of the Diploma course.

Educational Strategy for the Diploma Course

The implementation of this Diploma Course is a process of "learning by doing" with three attendance phases, with compulsory attendance to workshops which bring together participants with instructors/teachers in a given place for a certain period of time. In addition, there are two phases at a distance administered using information and communication technologies.

In-person modules and distance modules

The Diploma Course is settle in the experience of classroom modules, focused on discussions with scientists and field visits to indigenous communities guided by people with cultural affirmation expertise. It consists of three classroom phases: an initial ten days; another intermediate of five days and a final five days, supplemented by two intermediate phases at a distance. The tangible result of the Diploma Course was the academic paper developed by participants based on their experience and systematic reflection throughout the program. The taught modules aimed at training the participants of a learning community to facilitate the continuity of training and sharing experience to implement what they learned. Distance modules provided space for self-training with support from instructor/teacher/tutor team. Learning technology is used at a distance and tried adapting it to the specific situation of each participant.




6. Project status
On Going
The 2nd Edition of this Diploma Course is on the planning stage.
8. Tagging
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