RCE Bogota - 2020
Youth as an engine to promote sustainable lifestyles in Colombia
Address of focal point institution for project:
Av. Cra. 9 No. 131 A – 02
Target Audience:
Socioeconomic and environmental characteristics of the area :
Colombia is located at the northern part of the South American continent. It is characterized by having coasts in two different oceans, its position near the Equator, provides with a rich biodiversity and ecosystems. It is the second most biodiverse country in the world and has approximately 50% of the páramo ecosystems. The country is also rich in cultural diversity, it is divided in regions, each region has its own gastronomy, traditions and accents. Its rich biodiversity represents an important responsibility for its protection and conservation.
Description of sustainable development challenge(s) in the area the project addresses:
Due to the actual consumption patterns and current lifestyles of people in urban areas, challenges to achieve sustainability are growing. The project has sought to involve urban youth, as a social group ad portas of gaining purchasing power to empower them in the search for a more sustainable city in order to address issues like pollution in land and water streams, air pollution due to mobility and the consumption of disposable materials and sustainable food systems and environmental education, framed in SDGs 4, 11 and 12 and sustainable lifestyles domains: food, mobility, housing, consumer goods and leisure.