RCE Lagos Trains School Leaders on Education for Sustainable Development
Photo credits: RCE Lagos
Within Lagos State there are over 1,500 primary schools run outside the set standards of government primary schools, reaching those in isolated locations, such as unreachable settlements in swamps, providing students with housing and a formal education at low costs.
RCE Lagos recently conducted training programmes for the school owners and leaders of these primary schools, with the aim to encourage them to align their work with Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) principles.
One training programme was held on 20 July, 2017, where 50 schools went through a two-day workshop featuring lectures on the theme ‘Formal Learning and Sustainable Development Principles’, with sub-themes including Time Management, Funding of Private Schools, Communication, and Quality Output in a School System.
A second training programme held on 25 August, 2017, provided another 50 schools with the opportunity for a one-day workshop on ‘Skill Enhancement and School Management for Sustainable Development’, with sub-themes including Management of Growth and Expansion in Schools, Report Writing, and Funding Private Schools.
Feedback from participants was positive for both programmes, with enthusiasm shared for future sessions to be conducted in the near future.