
RCE Tongyeong - 2018


File Name Caption for picture Photo Credit
Image icon RCE Tongyeong 1.JPG (61.34 KB) Field trip to Sydney, Australia RCE Tongyeong
Image icon RCE Tongyeong 2.JPG (61.38 KB) Run booth for spreading ESD RCE Tongyeong
Image icon RCE Tongyeong 3.JPG (51.8 KB) Discussion with team members RCE Tongyeong
Image icon RCE Tongyeong 4.JPG (95.9 KB) Field trip to Jogjakarta, Indonesia RCE Tongyeong
Date of submission:
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
Bridge To the World
Target Audience:

RCE Tasmania - 2018


File Name Caption for picture Photo Credit
Image icon Bridport2017.jpg (193.55 KB) Students painting in ochre on the rocks - "the rocks will remember us" Cultural arts camp 2017, Bridport Tasmania. S. Emery
Image icon ClimateLeadersLaunceston2018.jpg (2.03 MB) Students pledging their community action at the Climate Leaders Conference 2017, Launceston Tasmania L. Page
Image icon Burnie.jpg (1.56 MB) Students celebrating a successful clean up of Burnie Beach. L. Page
Date of submission:
Empowering youth in Education for Sustainability through connection, creativity and action: Working meaningfully with local champions and place
Target Audience:

RCE Srinagar - 2018


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Image icon A Teacher Training Workshop in Progress.jpg (2.83 MB) A Teacher Training Workshop in Progress RCE Srinagar
Image icon Meeting with Cluster Resource Persons on making SDMPs and VCPs.JPG (4.72 MB) Meeting with Cluster Resource Persons on making SDMPs and VCPs RCE Srinagar
Date of submission:
Saturday, June 30, 2018
DRR Preparedness encompassing well being of all, everywhere, all the time

RCE Greater Shangri-la - 2018


File Name Caption for picture Photo Credit
Image icon Photo 1- Students in Shangri-la.jpg (1.26 MB) Three Girl Students in Shangri-la Lin Xiao
Image icon Photo 2 -Baiyang Primary School.jpg (1.31 MB) Students work in the community at Baiyang Primary School Huilan Xiong
Image icon Photo 3 - Kesong CLC.jpg (1.55 MB) Community Learning Center at Napahai wetland Xin Liao
Date of submission:
Waterschool China Programme
Target Audience:

RCE Jammu - 2018


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Image icon 1.JPG (6.07 MB) State Level Conference on ESD Dr Shubhnandan
Image icon 3.jpg (59.47 KB) Writing research Proposals Dr Shubhnandan
Image icon 4.jpg (129.61 KB) Revisiting Education for Tribals Dr Shubhnandan
Date of submission:
Monday, June 25, 2018
Mainstreaming Climate Change into Education, Research and Training for Education for Sustainable Development in Jammu Region: Challenges and Perspectives

RCE Chandigarh - 2018


File Name Caption for picture Photo Credit
Image icon Picture-1.JPEG.png (674.94 KB) Training programme on ‘Climate Risk Management’ in collaboration with GIZ at RCE, Chandigarh (20.12.2017) RCE Chandigarh
Image icon Picture-2.JPEG.png (497.19 KB) Visit of school students to Climate Change Special Science Express Train organized by RCE Chandigarh RCE Chandigarh
Image icon Picture-3.JPEG.jpg (110.07 KB) Mission mode programme on promotion of sustainable livelihoods through cultivation & processing of medicinal and aromatic plants in Shivalik Foothill area, Punjab RCE Chandigarh
Date of submission:
Sub-National Actions for Climate Resilient Sustainable Development in Punjab, India

RCE Warsaw Metropolitan - 2018


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Image icon Autumn in Kampinos National Park, fot. M. Szajowski.jpg (1.04 MB) Autumn in Kampinos National Park M. Szajowski
Image icon Floodplain forest in Kampinos National Park, fot. M. Szajowski.jpg (1.27 MB) Floodplain forest in Kampinos National Park M. Szajowski
Image icon Kampinos National Park near Warsaw, fot. M. Szajowski.jpg (1.11 MB) Kampinos National Park near Warsaw M. Szajowski
Image icon Kampinos National Park near Warsaw, Poland, fot. M. Szajowski DSC_8850.jpg (904.06 KB) Kampinos National Park near Warsaw, Poland M. Szajowski
Image icon Moor in Kampinos National Park in Poland, fot. M. Szajowski.jpg (1.03 MB) Moor in Kampinos National Park in Poland M. Szajowski
Image icon Ols forest in Kampinos National Park, fot. M. Szajowski .jpg (1.03 MB) Ols forest in Kampinos National Park M. Szajowski
Image icon Pines on the dune in Kampinos National Park in Poland, fot. M. Szajowski.jpg (1.13 MB) Pines on the dune in Kampinos National Park in Poland M. Szajowski
Date of submission:
Warsaw Metropolitan RCE as the place of cooperation of partners from the urban zone and the National Park.-interrelatedness of environmental and social issues.

RCE Paris Seine[type]


File Name Caption for picture Photo Credit
Image icon European RCE Meeting 2018_RCE Paris Seine I.jpg (2.51 MB) Motiti Island snorkeling on a calm winter morning – July 2018 Martin O’Connor
Image icon European RCE Meeting 2018_RCE Paris Seine II.jpg (3.24 MB) Seabirds feeding offshore at Motiti Island – July 2018 Martin O’Connor
Image icon European RCE Meeting 2018_RCE Paris Seine III.jpg (2.94 MB) Winter sunset in the Bay of Plenty (Aotearoa/Nez Zealand) Martin O’Connor
Date of submission:
Friday, July 20, 2018
Environmental Justice in an Intercultural Frame — Empowering Local Communities for Sustainability
Target Audience:
