
RCE Tongyeong - 2023


File Name Caption for picture Photo Credit
Image icon 제6차ESD지도사자격과정.jpg (331.18 KB) The 6th ESD Instructor Vocational Training Program Seol Hyeonjoong
Date of submission:
Monday, August 7, 2023
ESD Instructor - ESD Vocational Training Program for Women and Retiree

RCE Galicia - 2023


File Name Caption for picture Photo Credit
Image icon VemonosnoMonte.png (3.15 MB) Volunteers at the first cross-border action at the Serra da Estrela Natural Park, Portugal Vemo-nos no monte!
Image icon VemonosnoMonte2.jpg (935.04 KB) Removing Acacia trees at the Serra da Estrela Natural Park, Portugal Vemo-nos no monte!
Image icon VemonosnoMonte4.jpg (1.45 MB) Training workshop at the Peneda-Gerês National Park, Portugal Vemo-nos no monte!
Image icon VemonosnoMonte5.jpg (774.25 KB) Field training at the Xurés Natural Park, Galicia Vemo-nos no monte!
Date of submission:
Friday, August 25, 2023
See you in the forest! ("Vemo-nos no monte!") Educating for prevention, control and eradication of invasive species

RCE Greater Western Sydney - 2023




File Name Caption for picture Photo Credit
Image icon HNWA - Cultural WalkandTalk.jpg (251.17 KB) Smoking cermony at Yellowmundee for Cultural Walk and Talk Brittany Vermeulen
Image icon RARC day.jpeg (456.24 KB) Rapid ripairan assessment training day with Streamwatch and Landcare Brittany Vermeulen
Image icon SouthCreekPaddle.jpg (96.75 KB) Our HNWA Waterkeeper, Dr Michelle Ryan, leading the paddle and talk day in branded canoes. Brittany Vermeulen
Date of submission:
Monday, July 10, 2023
Building a Community Voice for the River: Connection, Conservation and Education
Target Audience:
Community, Higher, Youth (Informal)
Professional bodies and organisations

RCE Greater Shangri-la - 2023


File Name Caption for picture Photo Credit
Image icon Photo 1 - Students are practising Tibetan calligraphy in Qinghai Province.jpg (3.66 MB) Photo 1 - Students are practicing Tibetan calligraphy in Qinghai Province Wande Gongba
Image icon Photo 2 - Students are watering their eco-garden in Yunnan Province.jpeg (9.26 MB) Photo 2 - Students are watering their eco-garden in Yunnan Province Wande Gongba
Image icon Photo 3 - Local people are offering water deities to protect water sources in traditional way in Sichuan Province.jpeg (7.07 MB) Photo 3 - Local people are offering water deities to protect water sources in traditional way in Sichuan Province Wande Gongba
Date of submission:
China Waterschool Programme
Target Audience:

RCE Saskatchewan - 2023


File Name Caption for picture Photo Credit
Image icon S4N on dock 300 dpi.jpg (1.11 MB) Group picture from 2019 Songs for Nature camp R. Hicks
Image icon S4N campfire 300 dpi(1).jpg (2.02 MB) Songs for Nature campfire 2021 R. Hicks
Image icon S4N videos in Home gallery 300 dpi.jpg (1.88 MB) Songs for Nature display in Home gallery G. Sutter
Date of submission:
Monday, March 20, 2023
Songs for Nature
Target Audience:
