RCE Severn-2013

1. Project Title: 
“Degreeplus” and “Gloucestershire Employability Award”: Supporting university students to develop sustainability and entrepreneurship skills
3. Project partner contact information : 
RCE Severn
Project Co-ordinator
Main Contact: 
Ingrid Mulà, ingridmula@glos.ac.uk/rcesevern@glos.ac.uk
5. Project description
Provide a short description of the project including strategies, regional challenges, aims and specific project activities.: 

"Degreeplus" and “Gloucestershire Employability Award” are two UoG institutional initiatives which seek to support the long term employability of graduates through providing short, focused internships and volunteering opportunities in leading organisations in the region. RCE Severn supports these initiatives ensuring that UoG students have opportunities to develop sustainability skills through undertaking internships with our RCE partner organisations.

For further information about Degreeplus and sustainability internships, click here: http://insight.glos.ac.uk/sustainability/partnerships/rce/Pages/Degreepl...

Follow this link to view a short film which captures the student experience: http://insight.glos.ac.uk/sustainability/partnerships/rce/Pages/New!Film...

6. Project status
On Going
8. Tagging