RCE Severn-2013

1. Project Title: 
University Educators for Sustainable Development (UE4SD)
3. Project partner contact information : 
University of Gloucestersire - RCE Severn
Project leader
Main Contact: 
Ingrid MulĂ , ingridmula@glos.ac.uk/rcesevern@glos.ac.uk
5. Project description
Provide a short description of the project including strategies, regional challenges, aims and specific project activities.: 

UE4SD is a partnership of 55 higher education institutions, organisations and associations in 34 countries seeking pathways for progressing sustainability innovation in the higher education (HE) curriculum. This is important as the HE sector is well positioned to bring about change for sustainable development (SD) as it prepares the future generation of leaders and professionals, challenges dominant paradigms, produces ground-breaking research and plays an important role in facilitating social change.

The quality of academic provision in HE requires institutional structures which support sustainability values and practice, but also university educators who are able to embed Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) principles into their teaching and research. However, little is known of the ESD competences of university educators and how these are supported and developed. This is because research, and practice, in HE have focused on student rather than staff learning in the area of sustainability.

UE4SD aims to close this knowledge gap and work in partnership to map opportunities for university educators to develop ESD competences through professional development and identify how competences can be best developed to enhance quality academic practice in the area of sustainability. It will identify leading practice in this area in Europe and develop a publication and online platform of resources to support changes to curriculum development and academic provision in universities. The network will also frame and trial an Academy for ESD in HE (sustainability in HE professional development and networking platform) to provide guidance to universities on how to support the development of ESD competences of educators.

UE4SD has its roots on the Rio+20 Treaty on Higher Education led by COPERNICUS Alliance and RCE Severn, which support change for sustainability in HE.

6. Project status
In Planning
The University of Gloucestershire - RCE Severn has been awarded just under 600,000 Euro to lead this international project, through a competitive European Erasmus scheme which has a success rate of only 36%. The three-year project officially started on 1st October 2013 and it is currently in its initial planning stages.
8. Tagging