RCE Kyrgyzstan-2012

1. General Information
Contact Name(s): 
Sadykova Chinara
Duishenova Zhyldyzi
Organizational Affiliation : 
RCE Kyrgyzstan Focal point
State Agency of Environmental protection and Forestry KR
Role in the project: 
ETF pilot project. Described role of sustainable development in the national education/VET system.
Project-relevant information: 
on European Education Fund website
2. Project Information
1. Project title: 
Introducing integrated approach in education for sustainable development in educational institutions of Vocational and technical educatio
2. Project Description: 
Project provided a comprehensive picture on the status quo in policies and debates on sustainable development in the country, focusing specifically on its inclusion in education and VET policies.Identify the institutions or bodies that have a recognised role in implementation of
Analysed ESD policies (e.g. policy makers, employers, trade unions, teacher association,
school directors, teachers), in particular with respect to VET.Identify the agents (civil society organisations, institutions, social partners etc.) that
support the inclusion of sustainable development in education policies and VET
3. Project Status: 
4. Key Words
Key Words: 
SD, VET, capacity building
5. Project categories
Project categories: 
Awareness building
Influencing policy processes
Networking and partnership development
6. Expected outcomes:: 
Introducin ESD Indictors in VET schools, involvment VET system in ESD process
7. Duration of the Project:: 
6 month
3. Project Leadership & Vision
8. Project coordination (e.g. teams): 
European Education Fund
RCE Kyrgyzstan members
9. Leadership structure
a. Administration: 
b. Transactional: 
c. Transformational: 
4. Project results
10. Project results : 
What are the current results of the project in terms of Outcomes:
Developed 3 reports: 1 Stocktaking report, 2. Assesment report, final report, stakeholders meeting. Introducing ESD in VET system
VET Agency planning establish interagency working group on the VET Agency base or State Agency on Environmental protection and Forestry under the Government of KR on integrating principles of sustainable development through ESD in VET curricula, introducing those in “Healthy Life Style”, “ Labor and ecology protection”.
11. Contribution to reforms and innovations: 
VET Agency studies labor market and product market, lyceums establish partnership with business-structures that process secondary raw and helps to promote products. Constantly introduces new technologies and procures necessary equipment and stock. Lyceums also conducts activities on collecting waste paper, electrical and heat energy saving, some lyceums compost organic waste.
12. Unexpected / unplanned results: 
Educators from VET schools express great interest among participants, each of them already uses ESD principles to some extent and are willing to promote ideas of sustainable development in their work in future.
13.Core Partners: 
(who are the main partners of your project?) VET Agencies, instructors of vocational lyceums, representatives of State Agency on Environmental protection and Forestry, Coordination Centre on climate and ozone of Kyrgyz Republic, Ministry of Youth Affairs, Regional Expertise Centre on education for sustainable development RCE Kyrgyzstan, “Tilekteshtik-Solidarity” Civil movement представители, EFT representative (Italy, Turin)
5. Partnership and networking
14. Project Network
a. Information network: 
b. Knowledge network: 
c. Innovation network: 
6. Participation
15. Type of involvement: 
25 VET schools
100 VET teachers
16. Participation opportunities
a. Informational participation: 
b. Consultation participation: 
c. Decision influencing participation : 
7. Education & Learning
17. Educational activities: 
sociological research, lecturing, round table, face to face meetings;
VET schools planning to establish ecological campuses on VET base: record of water use, decreasing consumption of energy through heat isolation of premises and windows, etc.
Integrate issues of green economics in VET system.
18. Learning activities: 
Project introduced whole-school-approach in training for sustainable development in VET education institutions. Described connection of sustainable development and vocational education and training. VET educators are teaching methods: interactive methods of education; differentiated education; non-traditional methods; master-classes; correcting curricula; introducing innovative experience of different countries; professional development of lyceum attendees; social partnership (lyceum – entrepreneurs); methods of developing critical thinking; introducing-studying modern technologies; studying Manas heritage
19. Educational activities
a. Theory: 
b. Discussion: 
c. Interactive and Multidimensional "action oriented education": 
8. Research Integration
20. Research & Development (R&D): 
VET schools are unique platform to introduce aspects of green economics through applying energy saving technologies: replacement of old windows to new energy saving windows, use of sun energy, rational use of water for irrigation through drip irrigation, etc.
21. Research partners: 
VET Agency staff
VET schools teachers
State agency on environmental protection and Forestry Kyrgyz Republic
22. Description of research
a. Disciplinary: 
b. Interdisciplinary: 
c. Transdisciplinary: 
Project Reports
Higher Education
Capacity Development
Transformitive Learning