
RCE Saskatchewan - 2023

Date of submission:
Wednesday, March 29, 2023
Educating Responsible Software Engineers
Multiple ecosystems were the focus as based on urban-based post-secondary student explorations and their own selected target focus area as guided by a UN SDG(s). Projects spanned multiple ecosystems.
Target Audience:
The UN-SDG inspired software engineered solutions created by HE students within the course had (have) a wide range of audience, spanning youth, primary, secondary, and community learners.

RCE Saskatchewan - 2023


File Name Caption for picture Photo Credit
Image icon Hannin Creek gate.jpg (182.95 KB) Hannin Creek Education & Applied Research Centre entry gate and lab building Sask Polytech
Image icon Hannin Creek bridge.jpg (242.57 KB) Bridge over Hannin Creek, one of the waterways accessed for applied learning Sask Polytech
Image icon Hannin Creek students.jpg (422.38 KB) Students from Sask Polytech Natural Resource Technology programs, in the outdoors Sask Polytech
Image icon ribboncutting.jpg (1.18 MB) Opening of mitho askiy kiskēyihtamowin Indigenous Outdoor Learning Centre Matthew Toon
Image icon moonlighttipis.jpg (3.14 MB) Three of the 4 mitho askiy kiskēyihtamowin tipis under a full moon Hamilton Greenwood
Date of submission:
Hannin Creek Education and Applied Research Centre (HCEARC)
Target Audience:

RCE Greater Phoenix - 2023


File Name Caption for picture Photo Credit
Image icon Panel 1.jpeg (147.54 KB) Panel Discussion: “Partners for Future - Creating Access to Sustainability Education in our Region” A. Enriquez
Image icon Panel 3.jpeg (157.1 KB) Panel Discussion: “Policy Meets Art: A Dialogue among Education Policymakers and Youth Activists about Climate Futures” A. Enriquez
Image icon Poetry.jpg (147.66 KB) Valencia (Val) Clement- Poetry
Image icon Film screening 'Youth vs Gov' flyer.jpg (210.19 KB) Film Screening "Youth vs Gov" discussions on climate change, constitutional rights, judicial system, government, democracy, activism, youth and social impact. A. Enriquez
Date of submission:
Wednesday, March 29, 2023
RCE Greater Phoenix Launch Event

RCE Greater Phoenix - 2023


File Name Caption for picture Photo Credit
Image icon TIA 1_COP27.jpeg (3.55 MB) COP27 "Earth is All We Have Got" Turn It Around Flashcards for Climate Futures A. Nielsen
Image icon TIA 2_COP27ClimateEducationHub1106-1223.jpeg (226.52 KB) COP27 Climate Education Hub & Youth/ TIA Flashcards for Climate Futures A. Nielsen
Image icon UNESCO Paris.jpeg (64.27 KB) TIA Flashcards for Climate Futures displayed outside 'Transforming Education Pre-Summit', UNESCO Bldg, Paris- A. Nielsen
Image icon TIA Flashcard displayed outside UNESCO .jpg (3.59 MB) TIA Flashcard for Climate Futures displayed outside UNESCO Building, Paris A. Nielsen
Date of submission:
Turn It Around: Flashcards for Education Futures
Target Audience:
Community, Higher, Primary, Secondary, Teacher Ed., TVET, Youth (Informal)
Exhibits: UNESCO, Paris, COP27 2022, Change the World Tempe, 2023

RCE Saskatchewan - 2023


File Name Caption for picture Photo Credit
Image icon S4N on dock 300 dpi.jpg (1.11 MB) Group picture from 2019 Songs for Nature camp R. Hicks
Image icon S4N campfire 300 dpi(1).jpg (2.02 MB) Songs for Nature campfire 2021 R. Hicks
Image icon S4N videos in Home gallery 300 dpi.jpg (1.88 MB) Songs for Nature display in Home gallery G. Sutter
Date of submission:
Monday, March 20, 2023
Songs for Nature
Target Audience:
