RCE Greater Portland-2017

1. Project Title: 
Sustainability Works Discussion Group
2. Thematic area/s addressed by the project
Select your options: 
Other (please clarify) : 
Sustainable Businesses
3. Project partner contact information : 
Northwest Earth Institute
Discussion Course Creators
Main Contact: 
David Macek
Zahra Golshani
4. Project type
Select the relevant type for your project: 
5. Project description
Provide a short description of the project including strategies, regional challenges, aims and specific project activities.: 

NW Earth Institute’s discussion course "Sustainability Works: Rethinking Business as Usual" is designed to help organizations respond to the need for systems-level change that benefits both people and the planet. Offered on-line, Thursdays, April 20 - May 18, this introduction and four-session discussion course highlights the business case for sustainability and includes resources that will support the delivery of your sustainability goals, with the information and inspiration you need to engage your team and create or fine-tune a plan to advance sustainability in your business. 

The course was offered online and was organized by Dr. Zahra Golshani, a GPSEN Fellow and research associate with the University at Albany's Institute of Environment and Health in collaboration with the World Health Organization. She teaches sustainability and sustainable development to international NGOs.

The fee was $35 for the course study book. Each participant read the designated chapters and shared thoughts in the on-line discussion. Instructions were provided.

6. Project status
While a small level of participants, with only 4 registrants, the model is valuable.
8. Tagging
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