RCE Buea-2014

a) Criteria/ indicators used to assess aspects of RCE work/ project: Character count 300 words: 
Evaluation of RCE Buea's activities so far has been done through the assessment of institutional and project reports and sampled feedback from concerned communities. A few general evaluation meetings have also been held mostly by the ESCO after major events and activities. On most occasions, feedback was also directly requested from those involved.
b) Successes of the RCE and lessons learned: Character count 300 words: 
Through out the year, RCE Buea has been able to make a change in many village communities through a number of community development projects. These projects are yielding positive results in our communities and are making a difference in many lives. The network has also been able to stay afloat despite the numerous challenges that come along with coordinating work with several institutions.RCE Buea has been able to gain acknowledgement in our communities as an institution that works towards the development of communities. One lesson learned is that we must not always have huge sums of money to be able to create an impact in lives and communities.
c) Challenges experiences: Character count 300 words: 
It has been very challenging to keep to the same direction as decision making is always an issue because of the number of stake holders involved.