
RCE Borderlands Mexico-USA - 2018


File Name Caption for picture Photo Credit
Image icon 1. Children. 7-11-18.jpg (42.83 KB) Young visitors to the Ejido Favela Museum Eliseo Villegas
Image icon 2. Cultural History. 7-11-18.jpg (48.71 KB) Cultural history from the Bustillos Lake region. Elizabeth Dávila
Image icon 3. Organic Ag. Demo. Site. 7-11-18.jpg (92.82 KB) Museo Ejido Favela Organic Agriculture Demonstration Site Carolina López C.
A recycled tire turned into a flower pot and an artistic creation Elizabeth Dávila
Image icon 5. Organic Ag Demo Site. 7-11-18.jpeg (116.3 KB) Edible cactus, a traditional staple grown at the Demonstration Site. Eliseo Villegas
Image icon 6. Founders. Ag Site. 7-11-18.jpg (35.13 KB) Museo Ejido Favela Founders Elizabeth Dávila and Eliseo Villegas at the Organic Agriculture Demonstration Site. Carolina López C.
Image icon 7. School Children at Mural. 7-11-18.jpg (117.73 KB) School chidlren posing at one of the Museum's murals Elizabeth Dávila
Date of submission:
Monday, October 22, 2018
CURRENT PROJECT 7. Ejido Favela Museum, Organic Agriculture Demonstration Site, Art Gallery, Store and Bustillos Lake Restoration Centre

RCE Borderlands Mexico-USA - 2018


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Image icon 1. El Ranchero Solidario. 26-10-18.jpg (208.36 KB) El Ranchero Solidario Farmers’ Cooperative in Anáhuac, Chihuahua México. Cooperativa Campesina El Ranchero Solidario
Image icon 2. Farmers-Shareholders serving the community. 26-10-18.jpg (2.58 MB) Ranchero Solidario farmers-shareholders serving the community. Living Lab/Centro de Diálogo y Transformación
Image icon 3. Madre L. y Niña. 26-10-18.jpg (68.56 KB) Legendary nun, Mother Lolita with a young girl inside the Coop. Señor Noé Peregrino
Date of submission:
Monday, October 22, 2018
CURRENT PROJECT 6: From Poverty to Plenty: El Ranchero Solidario Farmer’s Cooperative in Anáhuac, Chihuahua México
Target Audience:

RCE Borderlands Mexico-USA - 2018


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Image icon 1. Montaño. ES-25. 26-10-18.jpg (4.06 MB) Harvesting the first fruits! (Cocurbita pepa). Ing. Alan A. Montaño V.
Image icon 2. Montaño. ES-25. 26-10-18.jpg (3.16 MB) Collaborative work in the School Garden. Ing. Alan A. Montaño V.
Image icon 3. Montaño. ES-25. 26-10-18.jpg (110.32 KB) Community Saturday, an opportunity to learn and to serve! Ing. Alan A. Montaño V.
Date of submission:
Monday, October 22, 2018
CURRENT PROJECT 5. Sowing Food Security, Local Production & Consumption: Students’ organic garden at México Insurgente Secondary School, El Molino Namiquipa, Chihuahua México
Target Audience:

RCE Greater Nairobi - 2018


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Image icon greaternairobi1.jpg (15.27 KB) E-waste Academy 2017. Training international participants on environmentally friendly E-waste management in Nairobi Ngara workshop.
Image icon greaternairobi2.jpg (18.23 KB) E-waste Academy 2017. Training international participants on environmentally friendly E-waste management in Nairobi Ngara workshop.
Image icon greaternairobi3.jpg (91.92 KB) Awarding certificates to youths trained on E-waste management in Kiambu.
Date of submission:
Saturday, July 28, 2018
Electronic Waste Management

RCE Thiruvananthapuram - 2018


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Image icon photo1.jpg (41.89 KB) Hon’ble Union Minister for Agriculture Shri.Radha Mohan Singh addressing the delegates CISSA
Image icon photo2.jpg (36.47 KB) NBF 2018 educative pavilion on banana- a view of school children CISSA
Image icon photo3.jpg (47.54 KB) Children showing their creative side CISSA
Date of submission:
Saturday, February 17, 2018
National Banana Festival
Target Audience:

RCE Greater Shangri-la - 2018


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Image icon Photo 1- Students in Shangri-la.jpg (1.26 MB) Three Girl Students in Shangri-la Lin Xiao
Image icon Photo 2 -Baiyang Primary School.jpg (1.31 MB) Students work in the community at Baiyang Primary School Huilan Xiong
Image icon Photo 3 - Kesong CLC.jpg (1.55 MB) Community Learning Center at Napahai wetland Xin Liao
Date of submission:
Waterschool China Programme
Target Audience:

RCE Iskandar - 2018


File Name Caption for picture Photo Credit
Image icon photo1.jpg (92.25 KB) Signing of Letter of Cooperation between PESISIR and Kelab Alami Iskandar Regional Development Authority
Image icon photo2.jpg (24.25 KB) Kelab Alami youth provides nature guided walks to local and international visitors to highlight the beauty of Iskandar Malaysia shoreline Kelab Alami Mukim Tanjung Kupang
Image icon photo3.jpg (67.52 KB) Public exhibitions and roadshows by Kelab Alami youth Kelab Alami Mukim Tanjung Kupang
Date of submission:
Implementation of the SDG at local level: Partnership for Interdisciplinary Studies of Shoreline Ecosystems of Iskandar Malaysia (PESISIR)
Target Audience:

RCE Hohhot - 2018


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Image icon photo1.jpg (36.21 KB) Theme activity - learn to draw pictures with materials from nature Center for Sustainable Development of Inner Mongolia Normal University(RCE Hohhot)
Image icon photo2.jpg (98.45 KB) Experience activities - our habitat Center for Nanhaizi wetland natural education
Image icon photo3.jpg (112.25 KB) Professional study - deer field inspection records Center for Chile sea natural education
Date of submission:
Monday, September 17, 2018
The natural education center’s curriculum development of Inner Mongolia
Target Audience:

RCE Chandigarh - 2018


File Name Caption for picture Photo Credit
Image icon Picture-1.JPEG.png (674.94 KB) Training programme on ‘Climate Risk Management’ in collaboration with GIZ at RCE, Chandigarh (20.12.2017) RCE Chandigarh
Image icon Picture-2.JPEG.png (497.19 KB) Visit of school students to Climate Change Special Science Express Train organized by RCE Chandigarh RCE Chandigarh
Image icon Picture-3.JPEG.jpg (110.07 KB) Mission mode programme on promotion of sustainable livelihoods through cultivation & processing of medicinal and aromatic plants in Shivalik Foothill area, Punjab RCE Chandigarh
Date of submission:
Sub-National Actions for Climate Resilient Sustainable Development in Punjab, India

RCE Warsaw Metropolitan - 2018


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Image icon Autumn in Kampinos National Park, fot. M. Szajowski.jpg (1.04 MB) Autumn in Kampinos National Park M. Szajowski
Image icon Floodplain forest in Kampinos National Park, fot. M. Szajowski.jpg (1.27 MB) Floodplain forest in Kampinos National Park M. Szajowski
Image icon Kampinos National Park near Warsaw, fot. M. Szajowski.jpg (1.11 MB) Kampinos National Park near Warsaw M. Szajowski
Image icon Kampinos National Park near Warsaw, Poland, fot. M. Szajowski DSC_8850.jpg (904.06 KB) Kampinos National Park near Warsaw, Poland M. Szajowski
Image icon Moor in Kampinos National Park in Poland, fot. M. Szajowski.jpg (1.03 MB) Moor in Kampinos National Park in Poland M. Szajowski
Image icon Ols forest in Kampinos National Park, fot. M. Szajowski .jpg (1.03 MB) Ols forest in Kampinos National Park M. Szajowski
Image icon Pines on the dune in Kampinos National Park in Poland, fot. M. Szajowski.jpg (1.13 MB) Pines on the dune in Kampinos National Park in Poland M. Szajowski
Date of submission:
Warsaw Metropolitan RCE as the place of cooperation of partners from the urban zone and the National Park.-interrelatedness of environmental and social issues.
