RCE Buea-2013

a) Criteria/ indicators used to assess aspects of RCE work/ project: Character count 300 words: 
Evaluation of RCE Buea's activities so far has been done through the assessment of institutional and project reports and sampled feedback from concerned communities. A few general evaluation meetings have also been held mostly by the ESCO after major events and activities. On most occasions, feedback was also directly requested from those involved.
b) Successes of the RCE and lessons learned: Character count 300 words: 
The Main success of the RCE has been the possibility of bringing together a divers collection of institutions under the common banner of ESD. Just the idea of being able to get institutions that originally had nothing in common on the same table to plan and discurse common issues is considered a big success. The RCE has also been able to attract some attention through organized events and other forums through which some interested quarters are now asking questions to really who what ESD is and what it entails.
Lessons learnt include the need for a standardised and contextualised information package on what ESD really is and a simplified pattern or application guide for the region and country. Another lesson learnt is the wealth of knowledge available in the RCE network worldwide and the immense potentials that ESD offers to communities and institutions.
c) Challenges experiences: Character count 300 words: 
RCE Buea is more than 9 months old since its acknowledgement and still has not been officially launched. It has also not been able to have major government institutions on board which is mostly due to the centralized nature of the administration.